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Sunday, 5 June 2016

7 Simple, Natural And Effective Ways To Become Tight And V!rgin Again

There are many people who believe that it’s possible that, with help of certain natural remedies, to restore the women’s vir ginity. It might sound impossible because this is not scientifically proven, but it’s strongly believed that some remedies can actually do that.

Here are seven natural ways to try so as to become a vi rgin once again.

7. Curcuma Comosa
This is a very powerful plant that can significantly strengthen the walls of the uterus and va gina. You can apply it as a pate, or take it internally, it can work either way.

6. Gooseberries
Gooseberries are abundant in vitamin C, and that can help naturally tighten your vag ina. You just need to boil the gooseberries and store the liquid in the fridge. Wash your va gina before bathing.

5. Oak Gall
Oak gall is so effective remedy. You should make a paste from this thai herb and put it on the va ginal walls to tighten your va gina.

4. Pueraria Mirifica
This plant is very famous for its ability to enlarge the breasts. As some experts claim, it can also help in tightening your intimate parts.

3. Black Cohosh
Dry black cohosh on the sun, and then grind into a powder. Rinse your genitals with it.

2. Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera has the ability to tighten and to rejuvenate the intimate parts. You just need to simply remove the gel from the aloe Vera leaf and apply it to the genitals in order to tighten and revive.

1. Witch Hazel
If you don’t like the pastes, there is another effective alternative. You can try using witch hazel. You just need to grind it, make a powder out of it and wash the intimate parts with it in order to tighten them.

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