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Tuesday, 25 August 2015

5 People You Will Meet On Any Lagos Street

1.The Gentle Ones:These ones walk past you on the road and wont even give a damn if you pour water on their white shirts.These ones wont bother if you greet them or not.They’ll go early and come back late.

2.The Time-Conscious:They seem to be very much responsible.They wear trending clothes and shoes with latest wristwatches. But they’ll always seem to be asking for the time.Then you may wonder:What is the need for a wristwatch? It seems that their wristwatch might have spoilt but they keep wearing it for fashion purposes.

3.The Shop Owners:These ones sit outside their shops facing the road and they yell across to everyone passing.They pour water on the road and scream like a banshee when the same water splashes on them through vehicular movement.They also expect you to greet them whenever you come across them.

4.The Greeting-Addicts:These ones can greet for Africa.A trip that is supposed to take 15mins will take 1hr because of incessant greetings.

5.The Rude Ones:These one stay by a corner of the street,smoking or drinking and dont even respond to your greetings.But they can eye you with so much contempt and disgust.

So,there is it. A short but detailed note on 5 People You Will Find On Every Lagos Street.

Who amongst them do you represent?

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